OpenLDAP (NO TLS/SSL security)

Now, we will have to install the OpenLDAP software which enables us to build the “LDAP Active Directory Service”:

  1. Installation (1):

  2. Configuration:

  3. Post-configuration; Once installed and pre-configured initially, configure it to verify the following features:

  4. Checking:

  5. Creating the LDAP active directory tree:

      dn: ou=people,dc=localdomain
      dn: ou=groups,dc=localdomain
      dn: ou=machines,dc=localdomain
      dn: ou=services,dc=localdomain
  6. Loading data:

More details in reference [4][5][7]

(1) Use the official debían software repositories. (2) It is not necessary to indicate explicitly. Use default.

(3) Advise: Use it!

Last updated